Administer > Application setup > Process Designer > Using Task Planner > Configuring Task Planner > Configure child task behavior when the parent task is not created

Configure child task behavior when the parent task is not created

If you have a number of interdependent tasks in Service Management, a situation may arise in which a parent task is not created. You can configure the behavior of the child task in this situation.

For example, assume that you use Task Planner to add three tasks (T1, T2, and T3) to a Request model. T2 is dependent on T1, and T3 is dependent on T2. Additionally, T2 includes a condition that evaluates to "false," so that when you create a Request by using this Request model, T1 is created, T2 is not created, and T3 is created in the "Waiting" state. If you then close T1 and refresh the Request, T3 is moved to the "Active" state by default. However, you can configure Task Planner to leave T3 in the "Waiting" state in this situation.

To configure the behavior of child tasks when the parent task is not created, follow these steps:

  1. In System Navigator, click Tailoring > Process Designer > Configuration > Settings.
  2. Select the Enable Strong Task Dependency in Task Planner option if you want the child task to remain in the "Waiting" state.

    Clear the Enable Strong Task Dependency in Task Planner option if you want the child task to move to the "Active" state.

    Note The Enable Strong Task Dependency in Task Planner option is not selected by default.

  3. Click Save.