Accept a chat request

As a ITSMA Service Management Service Desk agent, you may belong to one or more assignment groups. You are notified when a chat request is assigned to one of your assignment groups, and then you can accept the chat.

Follow these steps to provide live support to the end users:

  1. Log on to Service Management as a Service Desk agent.
  2. Click the Chat Request button to open the Chat Request panel. The incoming chat requests that are assigned to the Service Desk agent’s assignment groups are displayed in various tabs.
  3. Select a chat request, and then click Accept to open the conversation window. A conversation starts with the end user’s photo and question displayed on the header of the conversation window. Meanwhile, the following behaviors occur:

    • If an end user starts the chat without providing the previous support ticket ID, Service Management automatically creates a Service Desk chat request record and opens a new Interaction record with the contact and location information prefilled. You can update the rest of this Interaction record at any time during the conversation.

      Tip You can configure which fields can be mapped from a Service Desk chat request record to an Interaction record by updating the link in Service Management.

    • If an end user starts the chat with the previous support ticket ID, Service Management automatically creates a Service Desk chat request record and relates the previous Interaction record to the Service Desk chat request record. The system opens the previous Interaction record as soon as the conversation is established between the Service Desk Agent and the end user.

    Tip In the Interaction record, click the Related Record tab to view the associated Service Desk chat request. Contrariwise, click the Related Record tab in a Service Desk chat request to view the associated Interaction record.

  4. Type your message in the text input area at bottom of the conversation window.


    • End User Chat supports plain text only.
    • Press Shift + Enter to start a new line.

  5. Press Enter to post the message. This time-stamped message appears in the conversation window with your photo.

Note If you lost connection to the chat server due to certain reasons such as network issues, the pending chat requests and the conversation window show the most recent information as soon as you are reconnected to the chat server again.

Tip A Resend Message button appears beside your message when your message is not posted successfully. Click the Resend Message button to post your message again.