Relational operators

Relational operators compare values and return True, False, or Unknown. Whenever a comparison is executed against a null value, ITSMA Service Management returns Unknown. For example, if you are searching for all contact records matching the query shift="day" all contact records without a value in the shift field will return Unknown.

The most efficient relational operator in a query is the equal to (=) relational operator, for which exact results are returned. Although queries using this operator are valid for all field types, it is seldom used for queries to date or time fields. For date and time fields, the greater than (>) and less than (<) operators are more efficient because the values returned when using these operators include seconds.

Relational Operator Definition
# starts with
~# does not start with
= equal to
~= not equal to
<>, >< not equal to
< less than
<= or =< less than or equal to
> greater than
>= or => greater than or equal to
isin is element in
like is similar to