The Database Manager utility

The ITSMA Service Management Database Manager utility runs in two modes, standard and administrative.

  • In standard mode, behavior is determined by whatever security you have in place. Request Management, for example, uses Request security while the standard database uses Format Control. In standard mode, an administrator does not necessarily see all options. Options that are potentially troublesome for Service Management, mass-updates, regenerating keys, and so on, are kept out of sight to prevent accidental use.
  • Administration Mode is similar to root privileges on Unix systems. Administration Mode is powerful, in that you can make changes that affect Service Management as a whole. In Administration Mode, (with the Administration Mode check box selected), a System Administrator will have rights to ALL options unless a different displayscreen is used based on the value of the Administration Mode check box.

    The value of the Administration Mode check box affects which displayscreen is used for certain files. The link file will use the link.view displayscreen when Admin Mode is disabled and db.view when Admin Mode is enabled. The globallists file will use the global.view displayscreen when Admin Mode is disabled and db.view when Admin Mode is enabled. When Admin Mode is enabled for the link and globallists files, the SysAdmin no longer has access to the Select Line and Rebuild Global List options respectively.

Note: Do day-to-day administration in standard mode.

Two capability words control whether a user administrator can use standard or administrative mode.

  • Users with the SysAdmin capability word defined in their operator file will see the Administration Mode checkbox.
  • Users with the AlwaysAdmin capability word defined in their operator file will be in Administration Mode by default.