Add an array

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

You can add an array by using System Definition or by using the Database Dictionary utility. Choose one of the following methods to add an array.

Note: You must use the Windows client whenever you need to add a new field/key to a database dictionary table.

Add an array by using System Definition

  1. In the System Navigator, click System Definition > Tables.

    Note: To expand any table in the record list, type the first letter of a table name to jump to that alphabetic section. For example, type o to jump to the oncall table.

  2. Double-click Fields.

    The Fields and keys definitions for the table opens.

  3. Place the cursor on a non-structue field, and click New array.
  4. Type a name in the Field Name field, and click OK.

    The array along with an element named after the array is now listed in its alphabetical place in the fields list.

  5. Select a data type, and specify other properties for the array field.
  6. Click Save to save your changes to the table.

Add an array by using the Database Dictionary utility

Example: Add an array to the unitofmeasure file.

  1. Click Tailoring > Database Dictionary.
  2. In the File Name field, type unitofmeasure, and then click Search.
  3. Place the cursor in the descriptor structure.
  4. Click New Field/Key.

    The field window opens.

  5. In the Name field of the field window, type language.

    Note: When specifying field names, no blanks are allowed between words. Always use a period as a delimiter.

  6. In the Type field, type array, or select array from the Type list.
  7. Click Add.

    NoteITSMA Service Management displays this message: Enter data type of array’s element.

    A new window opens, requesting a data type for the array element you have created.

  8. In the Type field, select character, and then click Add to add the new array element.
  9. Use the scroll bar to locate the new array and element at the bottom of the fields list.

    There are two entries in the record for the new field: The first entry defines the field as an array. The second entry defines the data type of the array. Both entries are listed, using the field name for both entries. However, you can override this if you choose. The two entries are added to the bottom of the list of fields in the database dictionary record. The second entry is also indented from the first entry (this occurs only if the number of fields specified in the database dictionary record is less than 50).

    You can now reedit your database dictionary record, update it, or cancel without updating.

    Note: You must update your database dictionary record when adding a new field, or the database dictionary record will remain the same. You must also add a new field(s) to the applicable format(s) via Forms Designer. See the Forms Designer Help for additional information about coordinating record changes.

  10. Once you are finished adding fields to the database dictionary, click OK to close and automatically update the file.