Administer > Application setup > Calendars > On-call schedules > Create an on-call schedule

Create an on-call schedule

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

To create an on-call schedule:

  1. Click Tailoring > Notifications > Daily On Call Records.
  2. Fill in the following fields.

    Group Name Specify the name of the group.
    Daily Schedule tab Use this tab to type the schedule for each contact in the group.
     ContactType the contact or operator name of the person to receive the notification.
    Start TimeType the time that the person starts being on call. Type the time in the 24-hour time format. By default, ITSMA Service Management treats a blank start time as equivalent to 00:00:00 or midnight.
    End TimeType the time that the person ends being on call. Type the time in the 24-hour time format. By default, Service Management treats a blank end time as equivalent to 23:59:59 or one second until midnight.
    Days of the weekType true for any day that the person is on call, and type false for days the person in not on call. By default, Service Management treats a blank entry as false.
    Notify MethodSpecify the name of the message class used to notify this person.
    ConditionType true to enable the notification in all conditions. Type an expression that is true or false to define the condition for notification. Type false to disable the notification in all conditions. By default, Service Management treats a blank entry as true.
    Local Time ZoneClick the drop-down list to select the local time zone where the contact resides. This is optional if all contacts are in the time zone specified in the company record.
    Exceptions tab Use this tab to define alternative notification methods and conditions during exception dates such as holidays and vacations.
    ContactType the contact or operator name of the person receiving the notification.
    Start DateType the date and time on which the exception schedule begins. Type the time in the 24-hour time format. By default, Service Management treats a blank start time as equivalent to 00:00:00 or midnight.
    End DateType the date and time on which the exception schedule ends. Type the time in the 24-hour time format. By default, Service Management treats a blank end time as equivalent to 23:59:59 or one second until midnight.
    Notify MethodSpecify the name of the alternate message class used to notify the operator during the exception schedule.
    ConditionType true to enable notification in all conditions. Type an expression that is true or false to define the condition when notification occurs. Type false to disable notification in all conditions. By default, Service Management treats a blank entry as true.
    Replace DailyType true to use notification conditions defined only on the Exception tab. Type false to use notification conditions defined on the Daily Schedule and Exception tab. By default, Service Management treats a blank entry as false.
    Exception Time ZoneClick the drop-down list to select an exception time zone if the contact is in a different location temporarily. For example, an operator might be deployed to a customer site for a week.

  3. Click Add.