DDE example

This example uses Visual Basic for Applications.

Note: The Service Management server must be running in order for the following example to work.

The format of the Service Management execute command string for system events is:

SystemEvent( event name, parameter name, parameter value, ...)

Where event name corresponds to the event name in the Service Management SystemEvents table and parameter name / value pairs are known to the RAD program.

Sub ReceiveInteraction()
	channel = DDEInitiate("Service Management", "Actions")
	DDEExecute channel, "[SystemEvent(""ReceiveInteraction"", ""Caller Name"", ""KENTNER"" )]"
	DDETerminate channel
	End Sub

The example above:

  • Initiates a conversation with the Service Management system.
  • Executes a DDE command starting the system event ReceiveInteraction, passing the parameter name Caller Name with the parameter value of Kentner.
  • Terminates the conversation.