Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)

Create DDE client support in a Service Management RAD (Rapid Application Development) application.

DDE support in Service Management works two ways: create a DDE script to call against Service Management from a Windows application or create a script using the DDE script panel to make a DDE call within Service Management. The difference is which application originates the call. For example, a Service Management client in a Windows environment can push information to Microsoft® Excel or Excel can pull from Service Management.

Note Prior to version 9.30, Service Management used client-side DDE to export data to Excel. As of version 9.30, the Export to Excel functionality has been redesigned so that the Service Management server process exports the data as a CSV (comma separated file) on the server side and transports the file to the client side. The Service Manager client saves the file on the client system and launches Microsoft Excel to display the content of the file. With this redesigned functionality, the Service Manager server and client performance are both improved by using file exchange and eliminating XML exchange for exported data.

Service Management DDE server support provides an interface to applications outside Service Management, allowing the use of DDE functions like poke and execute.