Atom Mapping

The Atom Mapping tab of a BDM mapping defines the required mappings between certain fields in a BDM object and Atom (an XML-based document format for web feeds). The Service Management RESTful web service supports the standard Atom representation, which conforms to the Atom Publishing Protocol. According to the Atom Publishing Protocol, the following elements are required in an Atom 1.0 feed: title, id, and updated.

The following table describes the columns on the Atom Mapping tab.

Column Name Description
BDM Object Field The name of a valid field in the BDM object
Atom Object Field The name of a valid Atom field.
Atom Object Field Type The type of a valid Atom field.

Below is an example of an Atom mapping:

BDM Object Field Atom Object Field Atom Object Field Type
reference_number title String
last_modified_time updated DateTime
description summary String
global_id id String

In the resulting Atom xml representation below, the id, updated, title and summary elements will take the values of the BDM object fields global_id, last_modified_time, reference_number and description, respectively.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> 
<entry xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="">
<title type="text">IM10008</title> 
<summary type="text">Desktop DVD-drive makes strange noices</summary>