Use > Knowledge Management > Knowledge Management overview > Searching the knowledgebases

Searching the knowledgebases

When searching the knowledgebases, you can either perform a basic search where you search for a text string or an advanced search where you can provide several search parameters. When you perform an advanced search, you can specify the knowledgebases and the document categories to search. You can also specify a set of filtering parameters, such as exact phrase and creation date. After doing an initial search or advanced search, you can then search within the search results.

Each of the knowledgebases has different fields that are indexed for searching, so when you search a knowledgebase, provide search parameters that match the fields in the knowledgebase. For example, the knowledge articles have a title and author field. When you view an Incident record, the out-of-box system displays the Incident record number, description, and solution for closed incidents.

If your Service Manager uses the SOLR search engine, the out-of-box system includes five separate knowledgebases that can be searched collectively or separately, depending upon what information you are searching for. In addition to making your search more efficient by specifying a knowledgebase, it is also best to search with a limited number of document categories. When you search, your log-in profile determines what information you can search and view. If your Service Manager uses Smart Analytics as the search engine, you can perform cross-module search from selectable sources inside and outside of Service Management. For more information, see Use Smart Search as a general search tool.

You can use the Knowledgebase Maintenance feature to add additional knowledgebases for searching. These knowledgebases are created from a table in ITSMA Service Management(sclib) or by using web crawling to browse and index an external web site (weblib).