Restart stopped background processes automatically

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

Important: This is the old method to restart stopped background processes automatically. For better system performance, you are recommended to use the enableAnubisMonitor and anubisPollInterval parameters instead.

To restart stopped background processes automatically, you can create a special background process called anubis that checks the system status of each background process.

Note: The anubis background process can only restart processes listed in the startup info record. In order to stop any of these processes, you must first stop anubis, otherwise anubis will restart them on its next scheduled run time.

To restart stopped background processes automatically:

  1. Create an anubis agent record. See Create an anubis agent record.
  2. Create an anubis schedule record. See Create an anubis schedule record.
  3. Start the anubis process. See Start a scheduled process.

    Note: You can also add the anubis background process to the startup record to have ITSMA Service Management automatically start anubis.