List: rtecalls()

The rtecalls are based on one RAD function, the rtecall( ) function. They are in-line statements that are useful in the ITSMA Service Management RAD Debugger. The rtecall function is available anywhere in Service Management that supports expressions, statements, or calculations. For example, rtecalls can be used in Format Control calculations, scripts, and displayoptions. The rtecall() function is extensible. New capabilities may appear in every release of Service Management.

Function Description
rtecall("alalnum") Checks to make sure a string contains only alphanumeric characters, or only alphanumeric characters and the provided non-alphanumeric characters.
rtecall("counter") Turns counters on or off for the current session. Other Service Management users are unaffected.
rtecall("datemake") Returns a date, in the proper form, based upon a series of numbers passed to it.
rtecall("escstr") Precedes special characters in a string with an escape character.
rtecall("filldate") Places the current date and time in a field in the current record.
rtecall("filecopy") Copies all of the data in a collection to another file variable.
rtecall("fileinit") Initializes a new file (rinit) in $targetfile.
rtecall("getnumber") Replaces the getnumb RAD application.
rtecall("getrecord") Retrieves the record identified by Unique key values in $L.array.
rtecall("getunique") Returns into $L.array the values for the Unique key from the current record in $L.file.
rtecall("isalnum") Checks to make sure a string contains only numeric characters, or only numeric characters and the provided non-numeric characters.
rtecall("isalpha") Checks to make sure a string contains only alphabetic characters, or only alphabetic characters and the provided non-alphabetic characters.
rtecall("islower") Checks to make sure a string contains only lowercase characters, or only lowercase characters and the provided non-lowercase characters.
rtecall("isnumeric") Checks to make sure a string contains only numeric characters, or only numeric characters and the provided non-numeric characters.
rtecall("isupper") Checks to make sure a string contains only uppercase characters, or only uppercase characters and the provided non-uppercase characters.
rtecall("log") Sends a message to the external sm.log file.
rtecall("passchange") Changes this user’s password.
rtecall("policycheck") Imposes data policy as defined in the datadict table.
rtecall("qbeform") Returns a record list form, which can be passed into an rio or fdisp panel.
rtecall("recdupl") Copies the contents of the current record into the contents of another record.
rtecall("recordexists") Specifies whether any records exist that match a particular query regardless of any Mandanten data restrictions.
rtecall("refresh") Retrieves the most current value of a record from the database and returns it in the file variable.
rtecall("resetnotebook") Adds an XML attribute "resetnotebook=true" to the "execute" response of the current RAD thread.
rtecall("rfirst") Places the pointer at the first record in a record collection (a record list).
rtecall("rgoto") Places the pointer at the indicated in a record collection (a record list).
rtecall("rid") Returns the record number of the current record (represented by $L.file).
rtecall("scantable") Scans the specified table for certain types of invalid records and fixes them.
rtecall ("select") Retrieves a list of records for a file in ascending or descending order according to the specified sort fields and group fields.
rtecall("setdebug") Sets the debug parameters.
rtecall("sort") Sorts a list or a list of lists in ascending or descending order.
rtecall("statusupdate") Publishes a message to a specific field on a form.
rtecall("transtart") Measures the amount of data transferred, elapsed time and CPU usage of any transaction.
rtecall("transtop") Measures the amount of data transferred, elapsed time and CPU usage of any transaction.
Transtop is commonly invoked from the RAD debugger and is used in conjunction with transtart.
rtecall("trigger") Turns triggers on or off for the current session.