Develop > Programming Guide > System Language reference > List: rtecalls > rtecall("transtop") function

rtecall("transtop") function

A RAD function that measures the amount of data transferred, elapsed time, and CPU usage of any transaction. The function is commonly invoked from the RAD debugger and used in conjunction with the rtecall("transtart") function.

  • The CPU time is retrieved from the server machine.
  • You can have multiple transaction timings active at the same time.




$L.success.flag= rtecall($, $L.return.code, $L.transaction, $results)


The following parameters are valid for the rtecall("transtop") function:

Parameter Data type Description
$L.success.flg Logical Indicates whether or not the function was successful.
$ String Name of the sub-function to call, in this case "transtop".
$L.return.code Number Provides a more detailed return code.
$L.transaction String Any name selected by the user for the transaction to measure.
$L.$results Array The results gathered, in the form of an array: {elapsed seconds, cpu seconds, 0, 0, 0}. ITSMA Service Management no longer keeps track of the third, fourth, and fifth value in the array and it always reports as zero.


If the $L.success.flg is false, the function failed. If it is true, the function succeeded.


$L.success.flg=rtecall("transtop", $L.return.code, "problemopen", $results)
$results={58.164, 0.961, 0, 26712, 2477}

This example shows that the problemopen transaction took 58.164 seconds of real time and 0.961 CPU seconds.