Use > Service Desk > Service Desk overview > User Interaction Management

User Interaction Management

The ITSMA Service Management Service Desk application enables a Service Desk Agent to document and track calls. Service Desk provides one-click access to other Service Management applications to automatically enter information received during the call.

Information that is obtained during a call can be used to open an incident record if a reported issue requires further action. Information can also be added to a record in another Service Management application, such as Change Management.

User Interaction Management provides users with a single point of contact (the Service Desk) for all their IT Service related questions, requests, and issues, and provides resolutions to user requests within the agreed service level targets.

User Interaction Management includes all direct interactions between a user and the Service Desk by phone or by email. User Interaction Management also includes all user activities that occur by use of the self-service web portal (for example, searching the Knowledge base, checking for status updates, or logging an interaction).