Customize context-aware search

User Role: Administrator

Context-aware search enables users to view records and search results in the same window. Users can copy a solution from the search results to the working record or trigger automated tasks. Depending on configurations of Smart Search action handler in the Smart Search Tailoring page, you can enable the context-aware search icon inside a record by performing either of the following :

  • Add the 9527 display option to the specific display screen.
  • Customize the Enable Condition field in the Smart Search Predefined Filters page.

Note You can configure Smart Search action handler drop-down list through Smart Analytics > Smart Search > More > Tailoring. For more information, see Smart Search action handler.

Service Management provides out-of-box pre-defined filters and actions for different libraries. The information of pre-defined filters and actions is saved in the smartsearchpreconditions and smartsearchaction tables. To perform Smart Search for a record, you can customize the Smart Search pre-defined filters to narrow down the library scope, and you can customize the Smart Search actions to pre-define the possible actions based on your search conditions and results.