View index job status

User Role: Administrator

You can check the status for each index job of a Smart Search knowledgebase library in the "sclib" type.

To view index job status for a Smart Search knowledgebase, follow these steps:

  1. Click System Administration > Ongoing Maintenance > Smart Analytics > Smart Search.

    The Smart Search Configuration page is displayed.

  2. From the Current Knowledgebase List section, click the knowledgebase library that is in the the "sclib" type. Then, the Knowledge Maintenance page is displayed.

  3. In the Status section, click the Jobs tab, and then click the Refresh Statistics button. The following information is displayed.

    Note The Job tab is only available for the libraries in the "sclib" type, not for the external libraries.

    Status Description

    Indicates the number of total jobs that Smart Analytics creates to index this knowledgebase. One job can index a maximum of one thousand records.

    Planned Indicates the number of jobs that are created and queued in Service Manager.
    Sending Indicates the number of jobs that are sending data out to the Smart Analytics database from Service Management.
    Indexing Indicates the number of jobs that have sent out data from Service Management, and the data is being indexed by Smart Analytics.
    Completed Indicates the number of jobs that successfully index the knowledgebase data in the Smart Analytics database.

    Indicates the number of jobs that are not sent out from Service Management, or fail to index the knowledgebase data in the Smart Analytics database.

    Note The Failed category also includes the jobs in the "Plan to Transfer" and "Transferred" statuses. That is, if you manually retry a failed job, the job will still remain in the Failed category.

  4. Click the number area for the jobs in one status to view the detailed information for each job such as query condition, status, start time, end time, and failure message.

    If a job fails, you can perform a manual retry:

    • When the knowledgebase library is still in the progress of indexing, manually change the job status from "Failed" to "Planned" and save your change.
    • When the knowledgebase library has completed indexing, manually change the job status from "Failed" to "Plan to Transfer" and save your change. When the retry completes, the job status changes to "Transferred", which means the recods previously in the failed job are added to the incremental indexing queue.

      Note To retry a failed job after the knowledgebase library has completed indexing, be sure that the KMReindex process is still running in System Status.