System alerts

ITSMA Service Management uses the following alert categories.

  • Limits
  • Mapping
  • Performance
  • Stalled

Each alert category has a list of alert types that describe what system event conditions triggered the system alert.


Alert type Description
Limits-1 The database pool is nearly full. The alert item lists the pool number. This alert type is obsolete in Service Management.
Limits-2 A user's virtual memory usage exceeds the alertvirtuallimit parameter. The alert item lists the name of the user.
Limits-3 A user's CPU usage exceeds the alertcpulimit parameter. The alert item lists the name of the user.
Limits-4 The system shared memory is critically close to full.


Alert type Description
Mapping-1 A database field has been truncated and mapped in a compressed format. The alert item lists the truncated file and field names.
Mapping-2 There is a duplicate mapping for a single SQL field. The alert item lists the file name with the duplicate mapping. The alert text lists the field names with the duplicate mapping.
Mapping-3 A query could not be translated into SQL. The alert item lists the file name. The alert text lists the query and the function that could not be translated into SQL.
Mapping-4 There is a field that cannot be used in an SQL query because of its data type. The alert item lists the file and field names.


Alert type       Description
Performance-1 There has been a non-keyed query request that exceeds the alertquerylimit parameter. The alert item lists the name of the file that was the target of the query. You can avoid this alert by creating a key to satisfy the query.
Performance-2 There has been a partially keyed query request. The alert item lists the name of the file that was the target of the query. You can avoid this alert by creating a key to satisfy the query or set a reasonable value of environment parameter alertquerylimit.
Performance-3 The system has been waiting for a query to return a result but the query has exceeded the alertwaitlimit parameter. The alert item lists the name of the lock.
Performance-4 The system has been waiting for a lock to release a resource but the lock has exceeded the alertholdlimit parameter. The alert item lists the name of the lock.
Performance-5 There has been a query request that exceeds the alertquerylimit parameter. The alert item lists the name of the file that was the target of the query. You can avoid this alert by creating a key to satisfy the query.
Performance-6 There has been a query request that exceeds the alerthitratio parameter. The alert item lists the name of the file that was the target of the query. You can avoid this alert by creating a key to satisfy the query.
Performance-7 When building a global list, the system displays an information message if the global list contains more than 500 items.


Alert type Description
Stalled-1 Obsolete alert. This functionality has been removed.
Stalled-3 The IR irqueue is stalled. The number of records in the irqueue exceeds the alertirqueuelimit parameter.
Stalled-4 Obsolete alert. This functionality has been removed.
Stalled-6 The IR irqueue is stopped. The first record in the irqueue is not changing.