System alerts

System alerts are system events that have passed a pre-defined threshold and that ITSMA Service Management writes to the server log (default: sm.log). System alerts contain information about the health and performance of the Service Management installation. System administrators can define the conditions that trigger system alerts from the Service Management initialization file.

The server log lists all the system events that have passed a pre-defined threshold. System administrators can review the server log to determine the health and performance of their Service Management installation. By default, the server log is located in the <Service Management>\Server\logs folder. System administrators can change what information Service Management writes to the server log as well as the location of the log from the Service Management initialization file.

System alert message format

Service Management writes system alerts to the server log using the following format:

[Process ID] [Date and time] [Alert category]-[Alert type]-[Alert item], [Alert text]

Alert format Description
[Process ID] This is the unique numerical identification of the process that generated the system event.
[Date and time] This is the date and time that Service Management recorded the system alert.
[Alert category] This is one of the four basic alert categories. For more information about alert categories see the list of system alerts.
[Alert type] This is a numerical value that describes the exact conditions that caused Service Management to record the system alert. For more information about alert types see the list of system alerts.
[Alert item] This is the application, resource, or user that generated the system event.
[Alert text] This is a text description of the user and actions that generated the system event.

Sample system alert messages

The following are sample system alert messages:

1712 11/03/2003 07:59:00 Performance-1-company, Full File Scan for
query involving fields {} ; user(falcon),
application(display), panel(

1712 11/03/2003 07:59:06 Performance-2-cm3t, Partial File Scan for query
involving fields {header,parent.change, header,open} ; user(falcon),
application(display), panel(