Stopwatches view

Note: Views are available in the Windows client only.

The Stopwatches view is an administrative tool that lists information about the number of milliseconds required for some Service Management client operations. This view shows the number of individual service desk interactions, the shortest time (Min), the longest (Max) time, the average, and the total time. It is helpful for troubleshooting.

The number of displayed operations varies. They are neither configurable or predictable because they depend on your Service Management installation and current actions. The following table lists some operations that might appear in this view.

Operation Purpose          
Form.generate The elapsed time to render the form using information sent by the server.
Generator.generate The elapsed time required to retrieve a System Navigator branch from the server.
Navigator.getChildren When you click a closed node in the System Navigator, the elapsed time required to expand that node and render content.
SOAP.transact the elapsed time to exchange one message between the client and server. The stopwatch starts when the client sends the message and stops when it receives the server response. This time does not include message processing.
XSL.transform.jdom The elapsed time for XSL transformation of forms and menus.

Click the appropriate icon to modify the Stopwatches view.

Icon Function
Refresh icon Refresh all stopwatches.
Reset icon Reset all stopwatches.
Log icon Save current stopwatches state in the log file.