Integrate > Service Manager integration methods and tools > Web Services > SOAP API > Consuming a Service Manager Web Service

Consuming a Service Manager Web Service

A Service Management Web service can be consumed by a custom client or by an application that directly consumes Web Services, such as Service Management or Connect-It.

General Information

A Web Service development tool kit that can generate a complete Web service application from a .wsdl file is required to create a custom client that can access the Service Management Web service. A good understanding of Web Services and SOAP versions 1.1 or 1.2 is also recommended.

Note Service Management users and application designers can choose any third-party Web Services development tool kit. However, Service Manager publishes only the WSDL files for the Web Service. Troubleshooting the client application is the responsibility of the application developer, and outside the scope of Service Management Customer Support.

Use the steps below as a guide to create your custom Web Service client.

  1. Publish the Service Management tables that you want your client to access. You can use the Service Management Web Services out-of-the-box or customize the extaccess records to meet your needs.
  2. Obtain a Web Services client development tool that can create a complete Web Service application, such as Microsoft .NET or Apache Axis, or obtain a tool that generates a complete Web Service application by evaluating the target WSDL file.
  3. Browse to the URL of your Service Management server and download the WSDL files for the services you want your custom clients to use. Use your Web Services client development tool to browse the WSDL and determine which features you want your custom client to use. The URL of your server must include the port and the Web service name.
    For example:
    http://<Service Manager server>:<httpPort (use a dedicated port, do not use loadBalancer port)>/SM/7/PWS/IncidentManagement.wsdl connects to the Service Manager server host on the specified port and requests the IncidentManagement WSDL.
  4. Use your Web Services client development tool to generate the programming language client code (classes) that will invoke the Service Management Web services. Tools such as .NET wsdl.exe or Axis wsdl2java generate client code that can be used to invoke the Service Manager Web service from the WSDL. Your custom Web Services client invokes the client code rather than the WSDL directly.
  5. Write a client application in the appropriate language of your client development tool. For example, .NET requires either Microsoft Visual C# or Visual BasicĀ®, and Axis requires Java.