Interpreting the http.log

The http.log may contain encoded or compressed messages from the Windows or Web Client communication. See below to turn off SOAP compression and FastInfoset encoding. Web Services communications are not encoded nor compressed.

The http.log contains information on all Processes/Threads that connect to the traced servlets. If more than one Process/Thread is traced, information in the log may overlap from different sessions, resulting in multiple POST or GET messages together rather than the POST – GET pair you would expect.

To turn off FastInfoset and compression for the clients, follow these steps:

  1. On the shortcut starting the Windows client, add –DFastInfoset=false to the target.
  2. The command line argument for the Service Management Windows client is:

    -vmargs -option1 -option2

  3. As an example, if -DFastInfoset=false is the only command line option ensure your command line is:

    -vmargs -DFastInfoset=false

  4. Turn off Compress SOAP Messages on the File - Connect – Connections screen’s Advanced tab.
  5. For the Web client, turn off FastInfoset by setting the JAVA Option -DFastInfoset=false. As an example, to turn off FastInfoset on Tomcat 5.5 or later, follow these steps:

    1. Go to the Apache Tomcat x.x folder on the Start Menu.
    2. Start the Configure Tomcat application.
    3. Select the Java tab in the configuration dialog.
  6. Turn off the Compress SOAP Messages by editing the ...\WEB-INF\web.xml file.

    <!-- Compress network communication between the application server
             and the HP Service Manager server -->