Integrate > HPE Release Control (RC) > Release Control Calendar > View the Calendar from interactions, incidents, or problems

View the Calendar from interactions, incidents, or problems

When the RC integration is added, the rcStandalone parameter controls whether the RC integration works in standalone mode (which does not require UCMDB) or non-standalone mode (which requires UCMDB). In non-standalone mode (that is, when rcStandalone is set to false), you can view the Calendar of a record only when the Affected CI, Service, and Primary CI of the record are captured in UCMDB. In standalone mode, you can view the Calendar as long as these fields are filled in.

To view the Calendar from a new interaction, incident, or problem, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to the HPE Service Manager web client.
  2. Open a new record, as follows:

    • Click Service Desk > Create New Interaction.
    • Click Incident Management > Create New Incident.
    • Click Problem Management > Problem Control > Create New Problem.
  3. Fill in the required fields.

  4. Click Fill and select values for the Affected CI, Service, and Primary CI fields, rather than entering the values.

  5. For the new interaction, do the following:

    • Click Escalate.
    • Fill in the required escalation details.
    • Click Next.
    • Scroll down and locate Calendar.
  6. For the new incident or problem, do the following:

    • Click Save.
    • Scroll down and locate Calendar.

The Calendar displays the changes for the CI from the Affected CI, Service, or Primary CI fields for the record.

To view the Calendar from an existing record, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to the Service Manager web client.
  2. Open the existing record, as follows:

    • Click Service Desk > Search Interaction Records.
    • Click Incident Management > Search Incidents.
    • Click Problem Management > Problems Control > Search Problems.
  3. Click Search. A list of records opens.
  4. Select a record to view its details.
  5. Scroll down and locate Calendar. The Calendar displays the changes for the CI from the applicable Affected CI, Service, and Primary CI fields of the open record.