Build and test a change

Applies to User roles: Change Coordinator, Change Manager

Once a Normal or an Emergency change has entered the Build and Test phase, you need to have a Build and Test plan in place, and then complete the tasks based on the plan. When the tasks are completed, you need to update the change record with the Build and Test information.

To build and test a Normal or an Emergency change, follow these steps:

  1. Click Change Management > Search Changes.
  2. Locate the Normal change you want to update by performing a search.
  3. Check that all change tasks that are associated with the Build and Test phase are completed.

  4. Go to the Tasks tab, and close any open tasks. For details, see Close a change task.

    Caution You will not be able to close the change if it has any open tasks.

  5. If this is a Normal change, do the following:

    1. Complete the following fields:

      • Scheduled Implementation Start
      • Scheduled Implementation End
      • Implementation Plan
      • Remediation Plan
      • Build and Test Plan
      • Build and Test Result

    2. If the test result is not acceptable, click More or the More Actions menu and select Abandon to abandon the change.
    3. If the result is acceptable, click Request Authorization to advance to the Deployment Authorization phase.
    4. If Service Manager reports that the scheduled implementation period conflicts with any Time Period freeze window, make adjustments to the schedule.

      The Normal change is now awaiting approval.

  6. If this is an Emergency change, do the following:

    1. Complete the following fields:

      • Build and Test Plan
      • Build and Test Result
    2. If the test result is not acceptable, click More or the More Actions menu and select Abandon to abandon the change.
    3. If the result is acceptable, click Request Implementation to advance to the Implementation phase.

The next step is to implement the change.