Implement a Standard change

Applies to User roles: Change Coordinator, Change Manager

Once a Standard change is approved, it enters the Execution phase. When the change is implemented and all change tasks are closed, you need to update the change record with actual implementation information.

To implement a Standard change, follow these steps:

  1. Click Change Management > Search Changes.
  2. Locate the Standard change by performing a search.
  3. Check that all change tasks that are associated with the Execution phase are completed.

  4. Go to the Tasks tab, and close any open tasks. For details, see Close a change task.

    Caution You will not be able to close the change if it has any open tasks.

  5. Complete the following fields:

    • Actual Implementation Start

    • Actual Implementation End
    • Implementation Comments

  6. Complete or update other additional fields if needed.
  7. Click Save to save the change.

    Next, you need to review and close the change.