Interaction status

If a Service Desk interaction is linked to a fulfillment record such as an incident, the system automatically updates the interaction status based on the status of its fulfillment record:

  • Once the fulfillment record is created and linked to the interaction, the interaction status moves to “Dispatched” automatically.
  • Once the fulfillment record is in the “Pending Customer” status, the interaction status moves to “Pending Customer” automatically.
  • Once the fulfillment record is abandoned or closed, the interaction status moves to “Closed” automatically.
  • If the fulfillment record is an incident, when the incident moves to the "Resolved" status, the interaction status also moves to “Resolved” automatically. The interaction solution is also updated automatically according to the solution that was updated in the incident record.

If you want to configure the out-of-status mapping rules, see Configure status mapping between streamlined interactions and fulfillment records.