Administer > Service Request Catalog Customization Guide > Service Request Catalog customization > Use the Launcher to Link to Third Party Applications

Use the launcher to create third party links

The launcher is an empty space directly below the Dashboard, Services, Support, and Subscription menu bar. You can use the launcher to link to third party applications, such as video training links, an Internet search Web site, an internal HR Web site, or a chat support Web application. You can customize the presentation to show just an icon, or you can display a small amount of text with each icon.

To create a third party application launcher that appears on the Dashboard, Support, or Services landing pages, you will need to modify the following two files:

  • manifest.xml

To create a third party link from the Dashboard, Services, or Support pages, follow these steps.

Important note: In the manifest.xml file, there are many xml elements that end with the term "key." Elements that end with the term "key" correspond to a property specified in the file. For example, the value of the <titleKey> element in the manifest.xml file is specified as "launcher_title" which corresponds to the "launcher_title" property in the file.
  1. Open this file with a text editor.

  2. Locate the template example in the file.

  3. Follow the directions to copy the template section and paste it below the template. Customize only the pasted section. It is a good idea to add a comment line above the new section to identify its purpose.

  4. Follow the guidelines in the value table to make sure this section contains values that you want to appear in the Service Request Catalog Dashboard.

    • The identifier can be user-defined; however, when you edit the manifest.xml file, the identifiers have to match.
    • The .value for each identifier is exactly what will display in the user interface.

    In this example, we build a launcher for the XYZ third party business application.

    /* New Launcher Example */
    launcher_title = XYZ
    launcher_desc = You can link to XYZ here. 
    dropdown_list_label = Select
    dropdown_value_1 = I want information
    dropdown_value_2 = I want to order 
    dropdown_value_x = I want to see status
    text_label = Type Your Comments
    action_label = Send
    action_type = GET
  5. Save the file, but keep it open for reference as you configure the next file.
  6. Open this file with a text editor.


    Use the following lines as a reference for the remaining steps:.

    <launcher launcherId="XYZ_Launcher" displayOrder="5" showLogoBox="true" showLogoDropShadow="true>
            <field fieldId="text_label">
            <field fieldId="text_area">
            <field fieldId="dropdown_list_label">
  7. Locate the <launchers></launchers> section.   The <launchers> element may contain one or more <launcher></launcher> sub-sections that describe the attributes of a third party application(s) that you want to display on the Dashboard. Replace the blue italicized text between each tag with a valid value. Follow the guidelines in the value table to make sure this section is syntactically correct and contains values that can be processed successfully.

  8. Save the file, but keep it open for reference as you configure the next file.
  9. If the application is running, log out and log in again to confirm that the third party application link appears in the dashboard.