Advanced search for interactions

When you search for a request, sometimes a large number of results are returned. You can set the search criteria to locate a specific request or group of requests by using advanced search.

Note Not all fields in interactions can be used for Service Request Catalog advanced search, as not all fields include the available search criteria. For detailed information about which fields are available as search criteria, see Fields available for advanced search.

Search for an interaction

To search for and view a Service request or a Support request, follow these steps:

  1. Click the filter button to cascade the available filters. The out-of-box filters include: Request ID, Requested For, Open Time, and Close Time.

    Note The administrator configures the default filters that are initially displayed in the account view page.

  2. Type the search terms in your selected filter box, and then press Enter.

    • You can choose terms from the global list variables or the lookup table values if the administrator has configured the validation rule for this field.
    • You have to press the Enter key after you type each search term. Check the effected filters on the request details page to make sure all the search criteria are taking effect.

    The search results are displayed in a list in the request details page.

  3. Click an item to view the details of that request.

    Note You can also adjust your search results by removing one or all of the search filters.