Administer > Service Manager maintenance tasks > Areas of maintenance tasks > Configuration tasks > Restrict JavaScript access to the operating system

Restrict JavaScript access to the operating system

JavaScript implementation can access operating system resources using the following global functions: readFile(),uncompressFile() , writeFile(),writeFile(), deleteFile(), makeDir(), writeAttachmentToFile(), and sysExec().

This access can be restricted using the following sm.ini parameters: jsaccessfilereadregex , jsaccessfilewriteregex, and jsaccesscmdregex. For more information, see Startup parameters: JavaScript access.

Define exactly which operating system resources are required to be accessed from implementations inside the Service Manager applications.

Tip For operating system command line access that is required, write shell scripts in the Service Manager Server's RUN directory and set up the jsaccesscmdregex parameter to only allow access to these shell scripts.