Integrate > HPE Operations Orchestration (OO) > Automated deployment of changes > Automatically launch change flows on a schedule (for a new change)

Automatically launch change flows on a schedule (for a new change)

User roles: Change Manager, Change Coordinator, and Release Manager

You can select to trigger automatic execution of change flows at a scheduled time: either a specific date and time, or a future time based on a field value of a change, such as Planned Start, Planned End, and Requested End Date. Once the change is approved and advances to the pre-defined phase, the OO flows linked to this change record will be automatically launched at the scheduled time.

To set an automatic execution time for OO flows of a new change:

  1. Log on to the Service Manager Web client.
  2. From Change Management, click Create New Change.
  3. Select a change category other than any of the following:

    • Subscription
    • Unplanned Change

    Note The OO Flow Links feature is not available for a change record with any of these change categories.

  4. Complete the form with all required and optional information.
  5. In the OO Flow Links section, do either of the following:

    • Select Use a fixed date as the Automation Type. The Scheduled Time field is displayed. Select a date and specify a time, for example, 06/04/10 10:00:00.

      Note The date/time format is determined by your profile date/time format.

    • Select Use a field in the record + interval as the Automation Type. The Change Field and Interval fields are displayed. Select a field in the Change Field list as the base time, and then enter a value in the Interval field using the “+/-ddd hh:mm:ss” format. Note that a space is required between ddd and hh, and you can omit the plus sign (+) for positive intervals.

      For example, if you select Requested End Date in Change Field and enter -1 02:30:10 in Interval, the OO flows of the change will be automatically launched one day, two hours, thirty minutes, and ten seconds before the Requested End Date.


    • The automation execution time should be a future time between the Planned Start and Planned End.
    • The automation execution time you selected is not validated now. Instead, the time will be validated when the change moves to the pre-defined phase. If the validation fails, you will receive a warning and the change cannot advance to implementation. In this case, you have to reset the execution time. To do so, click Cancel and move the change back to a phase prior to Change Approval (or back to “Assess” or “Plan and Design”), reset the automation execution time, and then go through the change phases again.