Notify service subscribers of the publication of a document

User roles: KCS I, KCS II, KCS III, KM Admin, System Administrator

The Knowledge Management module provides an option Notify Service Subscribers on Publish that enables the system to immediately notify users upon the publication of a document that is important to them. Each knowledge document can be associated to a service so that the system can immediately notify users who have subscribed to the associated service upon the publication of the document.

To enable Notify Service Subscribers on Publish for a knowledge document, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new knowledge document or edit an existing knowledge record that you want the system to notify the associated service subscribers upon document publication.
  2. In the Associated Services field, select a service that is associated with this document.

    The Notify Service Subscribers on Publish option is then displayed.

    Tip You can click the View Subscribers icon to the right of this option to view a list of subscriptions of this service. You can further click each subscription record to view contact information about the users who have subscribed to this service.

  3. Select the Notify Service Subscribers on Publish option.

  4. Submit the document for approval or directly publish it.

    Once the document is published, the system immediately sends a notification to all users who have subscribed to the associated service. For more information about service subscriptions, see Subscriptions.

    Note For a document with Notify Service Subscribers on Publish enabled, the system also sends a notification to the associated service subscribers if any updates to that document are published.