Startup parameter: emailout

Startup parameters change the behavior of the HPE Service Manager server. You can always set a startup parameter from the server's operating system command prompt.




Defining this parameter causes the HPE Service Manager server to start the JavaMail application and create mail events. The JavaMail application allows you to send Service Manager mail to any mail system that supports Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).

Valid if set from

Server's operating system command prompt

Initialization file (sm.ini)

Requires restart of the Service Manager server?


Default value


Possible values

JavaMail connection parameters

  • keepmail – preserves mail events in event queues.

    Example of command line: sm -emailout -keepmail

  • sleep – waits specified number of seconds before checking for mail events.

    Example of command line: sm -emailout -sleep:30

  • debug – displays additional information about mail events in the HPE Service Manager log file.

    Example of command line: sm -emailout -debug

  • clean – removes extraneous headers in mail, for example, HPE Service Manager Operator: falcon.

    Example of command line: sm -emailout -clean

  • mailFrom – specifies the descriptive name or other identifier of the sender of an e-mail. This parameter should be set in the format of email address.

    Example of command line: sm -emailout

  • smtpEnableSSL – defines whether SSL should be used for SMTP operations.

    Example of command line: sm -emailout -smtpEnableSSL:1

  • smtpTLS – defines whether SMTP requires Transport Layer Security (TLS) authentication to send emails.

    Example of command line: sm -emailout -smtpTLS:0

  • smtphost – specifies the name of the SMTP server host for client requests. The value for the parameter can be the IP address, machine name, or DNS name of the SMTP server used for sending notifications.

    Example of command line: sm -emailout -smtphost:

  • smtppassword – identifies the password the HPE Service Manager server uses to bind to the SMTP server.

    Example of command line: sm -emailout -smtppassword:administrator

  • smtpport – defines the communications port the SMTP server uses.

    Example of command line: sm -emailout -smtpport:25

  • smtpSSLPort – defines the port number for SSL connection.

    Example of command line: sm -emailout -smtpSSLPort:991

  • smtpusername – defines the account name of the SMTP server.

    Example of command line: sm -emailout

  • mailThreadCount – specifies the number of threads to send emails. The default value is 10.

    Example of command line: sm -emailout -mailThreadCount:10

    Note The main email thread now reads email records from the database and places them in a queue, and a number of other threads (N=mailThreadCount) send the emails from the queue. However, there is only one "eventout" entry in System Status, and the logged-in users are counted as one. This is because the mail-sender threads are internal and therefore should not be displayed or counted.

  • SMIMEKeyAlias – specifies the alias of the S/MIME private key.

    Example of command line: sm -emailout -SMIMEKeyAlias:smemailkeyalias

  • SMIMEKeystore – specifies the S/MIME keystore in PKCS12 format.

    Example of command line: sm -emailout -SMIMEKeystore: smemailkey.p12

  • SMIMEKeystorePass – specifies the pass phrase for the S/MIME keystore.

    Example of command line: sm -emailout -SMIMEKeystorePass: smemailkeystorepass

  • mailBCC – specifies a list of blind carbon copy (BCC) recipients to all emails. The value of this parameter is a comma-delimited list of user email accounts.

    Example of command line: sm -emailout,user@

  • mailFrom – specifies the descriptive name or other identifier of the sender of an e-mail. This parameter should be set in the format of email address. Service Manager processes this parameter as follows:

    • If the mailFrom parameter is configured in the sm.ini or sm.cfg file, Service Manager always uses this value as the Mail From address for all outbound emails.

    • If the mailFrom parameter is not configured in the sm.ini or sm.cfg file, Service Manager always uses the value of the Mail From value of the eventout record as the Mail From address, without checking if the value is a valid email address.

    • If there is no mailFrom value configured in smi.ini or sm.cfg and no Mail From value in the eventout record, Service Manager logs an exception in sm.log.

    Example of command line: sm -emailout,user@