SQL parameters: sqlloginretry

Startup parameters change the behavior of the HPE Service Manager server. You can always set a startup parameter from the server's operating system command prompt.




This parameter defines the maximum number of retries the HPE Service Manager server makes attempting to authenticate a connection to the RDBMS. If a particular request exceeds the retry limit defined by this parameter, then the HPE Service Manager server writes a message to the HPE Service Manager log file documenting the name of the user making the request and the number of retry attempts made by the request.

Valid if set from

Server's operating system command prompt

Initialization file (sm.ini)

Requires restart of the Service Manager server?


Default value


Possible values

Number of retries

Example usage

Command line: sm -httpPort:13080 -sqldb:dbserver -sqlloginretry:3

Initialization file: sqlloginretry:3