
As soon as less than 25% of shared memory is unused, it is recommended that the amount of shared memory be increased by modifying the shared_memory parameter in the sm.ini file. Unused shared memory is the amount of memory that has never been allocated. The real percentage of available memory is always higher than what the unused percentage in the Service Manager Shared Memory Report depicts.

Because shared memory can become fragmented, leaving at least 25% of free space is recommended. This will ensure that fragmentation does not prevent new space from being allocated within the shared memory area.

The shared_memory_address:<memory address> parameter can be used on all operating systems to ensure that shared memory allocation is kept in an area that will not interfere with shared libraries, stacks, heaps or other memory related data structures. You can use this parameter to specify a new address that has enough contiguous memory for the HPE Service Manager process.

If you encounter a shared memory allocation failure, the address that the HPE Service Manager process is using does not have enough contiguous memory. On Windows, the sm.log file lists recommendations for possible shared_memory_address parameter values. If the debugvmmap parameter is active, the log also contains a map of virtual memory at the time of the failure.

For more details, see the following Service Manager online help topics:

  • Startup parameter: shared_memory_address
  • Troubleshooting: Failed to initialize or attach to shared memory environment (Windows only)

Note The defaults should be working for all platforms. You should only use this parameter when instructed to do so by HPE Customer Support.

Shared Memory Support Information

Shared memory problems can be some of the most difficult to resolve. However, if problems with shared memory arise, you can contact HPE Customer Support with the following information ready to help expedite a satisfactory solution:

  • Detailed description of the issue
  • Copies of all Service Manager log files
  • Copies of any core files that were generated
  • Service Manager Shared Memory Report
  • Service Manager Semaphore Report