Install the Solr Search Engine

Note The Solr Search Engine has not been updated after the Service Manager 9.51 release. The Service Manager 9.51 Solr Search Engine patch ships with the Service Manager 9.52 release.

To install version 9.51 of the Solr Search Engine, you need to perform two steps:

  1. Install version 9.50 of the Solr Search Engine.
  2. Install the Solr Search Engine 9.51 patch.

Install Solr Search Engine version 9.50

Running the Knowledge Management (KM) Search Engine installer will automatically install the Solr Search Engine, KM Web Crawler, and an embedded Apache Tomcat Server. The Solr Search Engine and KM Web Crawler can be installed separately.

The Solr Search Engine is highly configurable. While a single instance may be suitable for pre-production testing, you may want to install more instances on several machines for a more robust production system. For recommendations on production system configurations, see Managing Knowledgebase Search Servers.

To install the Service Manager Solr Search Engine using the installation wizard, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Service Manager 9.50 Solr Search Engine installation package ( For details, consult your HPE representative.
  2. Navigate to the Installation\KnowledgeManagement directory.
  3. Start the installer wizard.

    • For Windows: double-click the kmsetup-9.50.exe file.
    • For Linux: run the kmsetup-9.50.bin file.
  4. From the Choose Locale dialog box, choose a language for the installation program. The default is English.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Next. The license agreement is displayed.
  7. Once you have read and agree to the terms of the license agreement, select I accept the terms of the License Agreement and then click Next.
  8. Choose one of the following installation sets and then click Next:
    • Typical: Installs the Solr Search Engine, KM Web Crawler, and Tomcat Server.
    • Solr Search Engine: Installs the Solr Search Engine only with Tomcat Server.
    • KM Crawler: Installs the KM Crawler only with Tomcat Server. If you do not plan to crawl file systems or web content, you do not need to install the crawler. The crawler can also be installed by itself on another machine to reduce resource consumption between the crawling process and the indexer.
  9. Choose an Installation folder and then click Next. The default installation directory opens. For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\HPE\Service Manager 9.50\SearchEngine or /opt/HPE/ServiceManager9.50/SearchEngine.

    Note: If necessary, click Choose to choose a different location.
  10. On the Tomcat Port Selection screen, enter the following port numbers and then click Next:
    • Tomcat Port number (the default is 8080)

    • Tomcat Shutdown Port number (the default is 8005)

      Note: If the default ports are in use on the server host, you need to use other ports (for example, 8180 and 8105). Record these settings, as you will need them to configure Service Manager to communicate with the Solr Search Engine. See Add a Virtual Search Server.
  11. A pre-installation summary displays the following information:

    • Product name selected for installation
    • Installation folder
    • Disk space information for installation target with required bytes and available bytes
  12. Click Install. The installation begins.
  13. The Solr Search Engine is installed. Click Done to exit the installer.

Install the Solr Search Engine 9.51 patch

You must install the patch on top of version 9.50 of the Solr Search Engine.

To install the patch, follow these steps:

  1. Make a backup of the following items in your existing installation:

    • The Search Engine installation folder. For example, C:\Program Files\HPE\Service Manager 9.50\SearchEngineBackup.
    • The files to be modified by the unload files in the KM installation package.
    • The schemastub.xml file under the <SM server>\RUN\km\styles\ directory.
  2. Make sure your Service Manager server and clients have upgraded to version 9.52.
  3. Stop your Solr Search Engine.
  4. Delete the <SearchEngine>\tomcat\webapps\KMCores folder if it already exists.

    Note <SearchEngine> represents the Search Engine installation directory.

  5. Delete the <SearchEngine>\kmsearchengine\dist\ file.
  6. From the file, extract the files in the knowledgemanagement folder to the Solr Search Engine installation directory (for example: C:\Program Files\HPE\Service Manager 9.50\SearchEngine).

Next, prepare your environment for starting the search engine. For details, see Before You Start the Solr Search Engine.