Administer > System security > SAML Single Sign-On > SAML SSO setup > Configure SAML SSO using the standalone IdM > Task 14: Configure database connection in the IdM service

Task 14: Configure database connection in the IdM service

Now, you need to configure database connection according to the IdM database that you created previously. The example database name IDM-SM is used in the following steps.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the <idm-service>/WEB-INF/spring/ file with a text editor.
  2. Uncomment your database section, and comment out the other database sections.

    By default, the PostgreSQL database type is used and other database types are commented out.

  3. Configure the database connection.

    SQL Server

    IdM needs a SQL Server JDBC driver to connect to the database. To configure the database connection using a SQL Server JDBC driver, follow these steps:

    1. Download Microsoft JDBC Driver 6.0 for SQL Server (or a higher version) from the Microsoft website.
    2. Extract the downloaded file, and then copy the sqljdbc42.jar file to the <idm-service>\WEB-INF\lib directory.

      Tip If the sqljdbc42.jar file cannot be found, copy a higher version of the sqljdbcxx.jar file.

    3. Set the parameter to false. = false
    4. Update the SQL Server database connection parameters as described in the following table.

      Parameter Description

      Set it to sqlserver.


      Change it to sqlserver.db.specific.IdmSQLServer2012Dialect.


      Change it to


      Enter a value with this format:

      jdbc:sqlserver://<IdM database server host>:<port>;DatabaseName=<IdM database name>

      For example:




      Enter the login credentials that you specified for the IdM database.


    Perform the following steps:

    1. From the Oracle website, download the Oracle JDBC driver appropriate for your database.
    2. Copy the driver to the <idm service>\WEB-INF\lib folder.
    3. Update the Oracle database connection parameters.

      Parameter Description
      idm.persistence.flyway.type Set it to oracle.
      idm.persistence.dialect Set it to org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect.
      idm.persistence.connection.driver.class Set it to oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver.

      Enter a value with this format:

      jdbc:oracle:thin:@<IdM database server host>:<port>:<IdM database name>

      For example:




      Enter the login credentials that you specified for the IdM database.
    4. Add a key to the applicationContext.xml file.
      1. Open the <idm service>\WEB-INF\spring\applicationContext.xml file in a text editor.
      2. Add the hibernate.default_schema key to the following property, as shown below:

        <property name="hibernateProperties" >
                <prop key="hibernate.jdbc.batch_size">${idm.persistence.jdbc.batch_size}</prop>
                <prop key="hibernate.dialect">${idm.persistence.dialect}</prop>
                <prop key="hibernate.cache.provider_class">${idm.persistence.cache.provider_class}</prop>
                <prop key="hibernate.show_sql">${idm.persistence.show_sql}</prop>
                <prop key="">${}</prop>
                <prop key="hibernate.connection.pool_size">${idm.persistence.connection.pool_size}</prop>
                <prop key="hibernate.enable_lazy_load_no_trans">true</prop>
        	<prop key="hibernate.default_schema"><db username></prop>

        Where: <db username> should be replaced with the login account user name of the IdM database. For example:

        <prop key="hibernate.default_schema">IDM-SM</prop>


    Update the following PostgreSQL database connection parameters.

    Parameter Description


    Set it to postgresql.
    idm.persistence.dialect Set it to org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQL9Dialect.
    idm.persistence.connection.driver.class Set it to org.postgresql.Driver.

    Specify a value that uses the following format:

    jdbc:postgresql://<PostgreSQL database server host>:<port>/<IdM database name>

    Tip The default port of PostgreSQL is 5432.

    Example value:




    Enter the login credentials that you created for the PostgreSQL database.
  4. Check the log for errors.
    1. Open the <idm-service>\WEB-INF\classes\ file in a text editor.
    2. Locate the following line:

      log4j.rootLogger=INFO, consoleAppender, jettyAppender
    3. Change jettyAppender to tomcatAppender, as shown below:

      log4j.rootLogger=INFO, consoleAppender, tomcatAppender

      Note This will make IdM logging information be written to the following log file defined in the file:


    4. Start the Tomcat instance on which the IdM service is deployed.
    5. Open the hpcloud-idm-service.log file in a text editor to check for errors, and fix them if any.