Task 13: Create an empty database for IdM

You need to create an empty database for the IdM service.

Tip During the creation of the database, make note of the following database connection information, which you will need to configure in the next task:

  • Database server host and port
  • Database name
  • Database login credentials

    Note Use an administrative user account to connect to the IdM database.

Supported databases

Currently, the supported database types include SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL. For information about their supported versions, see the Service Manager Support Matrix.

Tip You may want to use the same database type for both Service Manager and IdM.

Create a SQL Server or Oracle database

Follow exactly the same instructions for creating a database for Service Manager. See the "Prepare an RDBMS to support Service Manager" section in this document.

Create a PostgreSQL database

To create an empty PostgreSQL database, follow these steps:

  1. Install PostgreSQL 9.40 or later by using the default options.
  2. Create a role and password with login privileges.

    You can do this by using the following sql statement:

    create role <idmdbuser> with login password '<idmdbuser>';
  3. Create an empty database and set the owner to the role created in the previous step. For example, an empty database named IDM-SM.

    You can do this by using the following sql statement:

    create database <idmdb> owner <idmdbuser> template template0 encoding 'UTF8';