Use > Functionalities > Search and Search Engine > Export Search Results

Export Search Results

You can perform a search and export the search results to a CSV or Excel file.

To specify the attributes to be exported:

  1. In UCMDB, go to Administration > Infrastructure Settings Manager > UCMDB Browser settings.
  2. Do the following:

    • In the Name column, choose Minimal export of search results and choose True if you want to export only the display label, class name, CI ID, and Global ID attributes for each CI. Choose False if you want to export all attributes that are displayed in the Properties Widget.

      Additional attributes can be excluded if they are marked in the CI Type Manager in UCMDB. For details, see the description of the Hide in Export Search Results qualifier in the Universal CMDB Modeling Guide.

    • In the Name column, choose Remove logical attributes (owner, location) from export of search results and choose True to remove the owner and location attributes from the exported search results.

To export search results to a file:

  1. Click Export results in the search results toolbar. The following options are available:

    • Current page > XLS, XLSX, or CSV
    • All pages > XLS, XLSX, or CSV

  2. Click Open, Save, or Cancel.

The created file is named with the date and time that the export was performed.

Note In the exported file, the ' character is added in front of any CI attribute name that begins with one of the following characters: @ + - =.