Open an incident

Applies to User Roles:
Configuration Auditor
Incident Coordinator
Incident Manager

You can open incident records as part of many Service Management processes, including interaction management, event management, configuration verification and audit, and incident management.

Note: For information on opening or creating incident records in the interaction management process and event management process, see the related topics.

To open an incident record:

  1. Click Incident Management > Create New Incident.
  2. Select the incident category.

    Note If a default category is specified in the Incident Settings, ITSMA Service Management directly assigns the incident to the default category and skips this step. For more information, see Configure Incident Management settings.

  3. Type an appropriate title in the Title field and then give appropriate description in the Description field.

  4. Click Fill to select an Assignment Group. 
  5. Click Fill to select the applicable Affected Service
  6. Click Fill to select the Affected CI.

    Note The Default Impact and Priority values of the affected CI are automatically populated to the Impact and Urgency fields of the incident record. You can manually change these auto-populated values if needed.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Search possible solutions in the form that appears. If matching solutions are found, select the corresponding record, and then click Link Selected Record.

    Note You can also perform this step after an incident is created. To do this, open the incident and then select Solution Matching from the More menu in the Detail List toolbar.

  9. Complete the incident form with any other relevant information.
  10. Click Save & Exit.

Note You can add parts and labor costs tracking to an incident, problem, change, or request or to any associated task of a record. To do this, navigate to the Cost tab, specify the currency, and then specify the date, part number, and quantity for any parts used.  Alternatively, specify the date, technician name (used to derive the rate from the operator record), and hours worked for any labor. Service Manager will automatically calculate and roll up costs from any sub tasks into the Total cost field on the Costs tab.