Table accessibility

Accessibility support is implemented for two types of tables in ITSMA Service Management: record list tables, and Table controls in a record detail form.

  • JAWS recognizes both types of tables. You can navigate the tables using JAWS Table Keystrokes or Table Layer Keystrokes.
  • JAWS recognizes the pagination bar in a record list as a region. You can move the focus to the record list pagination bar using the JAWS Region List keystroke (Insert + Ctrl + R in JAWS 15). JAWS can also report the current sort state of the record list in IE11.

Accessible Description property

The Table control has an optional property named Accessible Description, which specifies a table description for use with an accessibility software such as JAWS.

Note This function is supported only by the web client.

If no description is present, the web client uses the default table summary as described below:

  • For a record list on a list page or on the list panel of a list-detail page: Record List + [grouped by] + [sorted by] + [ascending/descending].

    Example: Record List Sorted by Update Time Ascending 11x51

  • For a Table widget on a detail form: Table.

    Example: Table 4x3