Administer > Application setup > Process Designer > Using the Condition Editor

Using the Condition Editor

The ITSMA Service Management Condition Editor enables you to build a condition or set of conditions without any programming language knowledge. Conditions always evaluate to True or False. When a condition evaluates to True, the system runs the rule or applies an action that the condition controls. For example, you can use conditions to determine if a workflow transition should occur or if a rule should be executed.

A condition item is an expression built from fields, operators, and values. A condition item has a Left-Hand-Side (LHS) and a Right-Hand-Side (RHS), which are separated by an operator. There can be a combination of variables, types, and values on either side of the condition item. The Condition Editor uses a tabular format in which you populate each element of the condition item (RHS, LHS, and operator) by using a series of drop-down lists.

You can also build complex conditions with the Condition Editor. Complex conditions are composed of groups of condition items that are connected by logical operators.

After you build a condition, ITSMA Service Management displays it in a user-readable form, such as the following example:

((description in Category = 100 OR in Category = "Test") AND ((assoc.published.doc in CurrentFile
 !=true AND activity.mandatory.msg in Object <=20) OR error in SavedFile Starts With 101 OR ((the 
"edit.adaptive.learning" value in the "Knowledge Document" Security Area <= 123 AND the "update" value in the 
"Tailoring" Security Area = "always") OR test!=12)))

You can use the Condition Editor to perform the following tasks:

  • Build a condition

    For more information, see Build a condition.

  • Create a group of condition items

    For more information, see Create a group of condition items

  • Edit a condition

    To do this, open the Condition Editor and click on the condition item that you want to edit. You can then edit the existing values.

  • Delete a condition item or group of condition items

    To do this, open the Condition Editor, and then click the Delete Condition icon (-) beside the condition item or group of condition items that you want to delete.

  • Clear all condition items and groups

    To do this, open the Condition Editor, click the More Actions icon (...), and then click Clear.