Set password format restrictions

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

To set password format restrictions, follow these steps:

  1. Click System Administration > Base System Configuration > Miscellaneous > System Information Record.
  2. Click the Password Composition tab.
  3. Type or select the following options:

    • Min Password Length: type the minimum number of characters a password can contain.
    • Max Password Length: type the maximum number of characters a password can contain.
    • Allow Alpha Characters: select this option to allow users to create passwords with alphabetical characters.
    • Allow Numeric Characters: select this option to allow users to create passwords with numeric characters.
    • Allow Symbolic Characters: select this option to allow users to create passwords with symbolic characters.

      Note ITSMA Service Management prevents users from creating passwords that start with the following symbolic characters: pound (#), equal sign (=), tilde (~), greater than (>), and less than (<).

    • Always Require a Password: select this option to require all users to have a password defined in their operator record. This option is the only way to prevent users from having blank passwords.

      Caution Users who currently have blank passwords defined in their operator record can still log in until they are required to change their passwords.

    • Require Alpha Chars: select this option to require users to create passwords that contain at least one alphabetical character.

      • Min Required: type the minimum number of alphabetical characters a password must contain. This value must be a positive integer if you select the Require Alpha Chars option.
    • Require Mixed Case: select this option to require users to create passwords that contain both upper case and lower case alphabetical characters.
    • Require Non-Alpha Chars: select this option to require users to create passwords that contain at least one numerical or symbolic character.

      • Min Required: type the minimum number of numerical characters a password must contain. This value must be a positive integer if you select the Require Non-Alpha Chars option.
    • Prohibit Space Character: select this option to prohibit users from creating passwords that contain the space character.
  4. Click Save.

Caution The only way to prevent users from defining blank passwords is to select the Always Require a Password option.