Test your calendar

Once you have completed your ITSMA Service Management Calendar setup, test your calendar to see if it works properly.

Prepare data

Prepare data so that you can see records of your configured objects in the calendar and test them.

  1. Create time period records for testing.

    Tip You may want to create time periods with a daily recurrence type so that you can easily verify your test results.

  2. Create new records or update existing records for objects that you have configured for calendar mapping.

Test the full calendar

To test the full calendar, follow these steps:

  1. Click Miscellaneous > Calendar.
  2. Switch the calendar to a desired day, week, or month view, where you expect to see some Time Period, Incident, and Change records you previously created.
  3. Go to the left-side filter area, click the Choose Objects button, and check that all objects you configured are displayed and selected in the list.

    Tip If an object is missing from the list, clear your browser cache and try again.

  4. Select all or some objects, and check that the calendar automatically refreshes to display the records as expected, based on their Restricting Query Configuration, Title Configuration, Tooltip Configuration, and Color Preferences settings.
  5. Click the Add Filter Fields button, and in the pop-up window, check that the filter fields and panels are displayed as expected.

Test the embedded calendar

Note Out-of-the-box, the embedded calendar is available only for Change and Change Task.

To test the embedded calendar, follow these steps:

  1. Open a record.
  2. Expand the Calendar section.
  3. Check that the embedded calendar displays the correct information (based on your Embedded Calendar Configuration for the corresponding module).