Get started > Editing records > Fill function

Fill function

The Fill function allows you to create or update a record quickly. When you click the Fill icon next to an empty field or a field that contains partially-keyed leading information, ITSMA Service Management identifies the applicable related record and adds the related information to the field. For example, if you type Br in a name field and click the Fill icon, ITSMA Service Management identifies records with last names that begin with "Br,"such as the record for Nicholas Brown, along with any assets that are linked to this contact record.

Note If you attempt to locate information for a field that depends on one or more fields that contain invalid or unrelated information, you receive an error message that resembles the following:

Cannot find related information in dept using query: company#"advantage" and"advantage/edd"

In this example, the value of the department name field depends upon the values in the company and fields. You must provide valid values in the company field and field.