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Find function

Note The Find functionality uses an icon named View Detailed Information, which is referred to as the "Find icon" in the documentation.

Certain fields in a record are linked to related information in different files. The Find function locates associated records for fields such as asset, logical or contact names, locations, vendors, or users. For example, when you use the Find function, you can populate the Reported By field in an incident record.

The function behaves differently for reference fields and normal fields (which do not have a referenced table defined in the data policy).

Behavior on normal fields

For fields that are not a reference field, the View Detailed Information function uses the line in the link record for its query.

  • In the web client, the View Detailed Information button becomes active immediately after the user starts typing in the field.
  • In the Windows client, the button is disabled when the field is empty.

You can view or modify a linked record within the record’s application. Depending on your user profile, you may be able to view Asset Management records, but not modify those records.

Note If you attempt to locate information for a field that depends on one or more fields that contain invalid or unrelated information, you receive an error message that resembles the following:

Cannot find related information in dept using query: company#"advantage" and"advantage/edd"

In this example, the value of the department name field depends upon the values in the company and fields. You must provide valid values in the company field and field.

Behavior on reference fields

The View Detailed Information function no longer uses the query defined in the link line; instead, the system performs an exact match query based on "id".

  • In the web client, only when the reference field contains a value that exactly matches a value in the referenced table, the button is enabled (otherwise it is disabled).
  • in the Windows client, the button is disabled when the field has no reference value (either you enter a value without clicking Fill or the field is empty).