Get started > Clients > Web client

Web client

The web client offers the same basic features as the Windows client, but provides a different look and feel, tree view navigation, and other features.

The web client is the only ITSMA Service Management client that runs on a non-Windows platform. The web client supports accessibility and meets Section 508 requirements.

Web client setting requirements

Verify the following before using your web client.

  • Enable cookies.
  • Enable JavaScript.
  • Enable pop-ups in all browser versions. You may need to add the Service Management URL to the browser exception list.

Verify that your browser version is compatible by checking the Service Management product Support Matrix on the HPE Customer Support website.


  • The web client does not support multiple logins. Therefore, you should ensure that you only log on to Service Management once in your browser, as browser sessions are not independent and multiple logins result in unpredictable system responses.
  • Do not use the buttons (such as Refresh, Back, and Forward) on your browser toolbar or their keyboard shortcuts (such as Ctrl+R, Ctrl+Left, and Ctrl+Right) to perform Service Management actions. Instead, use the buttons on the Service Management interface, as described in List and detail toolbars.