Use > Service Manager Collaboration > UI navigation > Conversation window

Conversation window

The Service Management Collaboration conversation window is illustrated in the following screenshot:



1 Conversation tab

Click to switch between multiple conversations that are currently open. The active conversation appears in dark gray and inactive conversations appear in light gray. The corresponding record ID is also displayed on this tab.

Tip To achieve a better user experience, you may want to hide the conversation tabs. To do so, place your cursor on the left edge of the conversation window and then drag rightwards. When the conversation tabs are hidden, an icon appears on the bottom-left corner of the conversation window. To display the content of a hidden conversation tab, click the icon and then click the corresponding tab. Refer to the following screenshot as an example:

To restore the hidden conversation tabs, place your cursor on the left edge of the conversation window and then drag leftwards.


  • Service Management Collaboration displays the last received message on the Conversation tab of the inactive conversations. Long messages are displayed as an ellipsis on the Conversation tab.
  • If you have opened more than 10 conversation tabs in IT Collaboration and End User Chat altogether, the system displays the last 10 active conversation tabs only. You are still able to receive notifications from other conversations.

2 Record ID and title

In IT Collaboration:

ID and title of the record that the conversation belongs to. Click the record ID to open the record.

Note The record can only be opened by the users with the corresponding authorization to view these types of records.

In End User Chat:

The end user's full name and title of the Service Desk chat request record. The record ID is not clickable.


Conversation window header

Header of the conversation window.
4 More

In IT Collaboration:

Click to display the following options:

  • Add Participant: Click to open the Participant window so as to add one or more participants to the conversation or remove participants from the conversation. See Invite participants and Remove participants for more information.
  • Quit Conversation: Click to leave a conversation. You will no longer receive messages or notifications from this conversation. See Quit a conversation for more information.

In End User Chat:

Click to display the following options:

  • Add Participant: Click to open the Participant window so as to add one or more participants to the conversation or remove participants from the conversation. See Invite participants and Remove participants for more information.
  • Create Interaction: Click to create an additional Interaction from the chat so that the Service Desk chat ticket can be related to multiple Interactions. See Create an additional Interaction from chat for more information.
  • View Related Interactions: Click to view all Interactions that are related to the current chat request.
  • Close Chat Request: Click to close the chat request. You will no longer receive messages or notifications from this conversation. See Close a chat request for more information.

  • Quit Conversation: Click to leave a conversation. See Quit a conversation for more information.

    Note The option is available only after you have closed a chat request.

    Note If there is only one conversation in the conversation window, the conversation window will be closed after you quit this conversation.

5 Pin

Click this button to scale down and pin the conversation window to the right side of the Service Manager UI. After the conversation window is pinned, this button changes to . You can click this button again to unpin the conversation window.

Tip When you pin the conversation window, the conversation tabs are hidden. Refer to Tip in Conversation tab for more information.

6 Minimize conversation window Click to minimize the conversation window. When a conversation window is minimized, the incoming messages and new conversation invitations are displayed as notifications.
7 End users' photo The end user's photo in the current End User Chat conversation. When hovering your mouse over the photo thumbnails, the participants name list is shown.
8 Close conversation tab

Click to close the conversation tab. When a conversation tab is closed, the incoming messages and new conversation invitations are displayed as notifications.


  • This button is visible for mouse-over only.
  • If there is only one conversation in the conversation window, click this button to minimize the conversation window.

9 Notification badge Displays the number of new conversation invitations and incoming messages in the updated conversations. If the count exceeds 99, the number is displayed as N... . See Notifications for more information.
10 Mock-up of participants' photos Mock-up of the participants' photos in the current IT Collaboration conversation. When hovering your mouse over the photo thumbnails, the participants name list is shown.
11 Conversation area Displays all the conversation activities.
12 Text input area Type your input in this area.