Use > Configuration Management > Configuration Management administrator tasks > Configuration Management environment record

Configuration Management environment record

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

The Configuration Management environment record defines options affecting basic Configuration Management functionality for all users. Service Management provides a default Configuration Management environment record that you can modify for your system.

Configure the Configuration Management environment record

The Configuration Management environment record defines options that enable or disable Configuration Management application functionality for all Configuration Management users. The Configuration Management environment record provides default settings that you can customize based on your specific business needs.

To configure the Configuration Management environment settings, follow these steps:

  1. Click Configuration Management > Administration > Environment.
  2. Select new options or clear default options. Your changes redefine the Configuration Management environment for all users.

    Option Description
    Allow Operator Access without Security Role Record? If selected (set to true), indicates that a user can access the Configuration Management module even if no security role is defined for the user.
    Max Number of Members in Group

    The maximum number of members a Configuration Items group can have.

    This option applies for CI groups (Baseline or Ad Hoc).

    Max Size For Operations

    The maximum number of members a group can have for operations, including filling group members in Problem Management, creating tasks for each group member in Change Management, and so on.

    This option applies for CI groups (Baseline or Ad Hoc).

    Enforce Baseline Group Version Control

    Indicates whether to enable version control for baseline Configuration Items Group. This setting is used whenever a user creates a baseline group.

    • Available level: Levels for each version. This setting is used whenever a user creates a baseline group.
    • Initial value: The initial values for each level when a baseline Configuration Items Group was first created. This setting is used whenever a user creates a baseline group.
    • Maximum increment: The maximum increment allowed for each level. This setting is used whenever a user creates a baseline group.
    Max Levels for Relationship Tree Search The maximum level of downstream CIs to retrieve when you click the Show Members button from a CI record of the “Business Service” or “CI Group” type. For example, a business service email may have 3 child CIs, and each child CI may have 3 children. If this field is set to 1, the Show Members option retrieves only 3 children; if the level is set to 2, the Show Members option retrieves 3 children plus 9 grandchildren.
    Max Levels for Related CI's for Service The maximum level of downstream CIs of an affected business service to retrieve when you click the Fill button to select an affected CI. In an interaction/incident/problem/known error/change record, you select an affected business service, and then click the Fill button to select an affected CI. The Fill option retrieves all downstream CIs of the business service that you select. For example, a business service named Email may have 3 children, and each child CI may have 3 children. If this field is set to 1, the Fill option retrieves only the 3 children; if the field is set to 2, the Fill option retrieves 3 children plus 9 grandchildren.
    Subscription Add Indicates the Change category that will be used for the fulfillment of an item being subscribed to.
    Subscription Remove Indicates the Change category that will be used for the fulfillment of an item being unsubscribed to.
    Subscription Request Mode

    Use this option to select the way to subscribe to items: via Service Catalog or directly from the Subscription list. The Administrator is able to choose between two Subscription modes - Change Management or Service Catalog.

    If the value is left empty, it will be defaulted to Service Catalog. If the mode is set to Service Catalog, users can only subscribe to items through Service Catalog; if the mode is set to Change Management, a Self Service Ticketing user (SST user) can subscribe or cancel subscriptions to items directly from the Subscription list.

    Allow User-Defined CI Identifier Values for New CIs

    If selected (set to true), indicates that the user can manually specify a CI Identifier value or edit the system-generated CI Identifier value when creating a new CI. If the user does not specify a CI Identifier value, Service Management automatically generates one as the initial value. Once the new CI is created (saved), the user-defined CI Identifier value is no longer editable.

    If not selected, when users create a new CI, Service Management creates a CI Identifier value, which is not editable.

    This setting applies to all CI types.

    Outage Cost Per Hour: The outage cost to CI/Service per hour. The default value is 500.
    Currency The currency in which the outage cost is calculated. The default currency is US dollar.
  3. When you finish making your changes, click Save.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Log out and log back in so that your changes take effect.