Create a software counter

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

You can create a software counter in ITSMA Service Management to track software installations and to ensure that the number of actual software installations does not exceed the number authorized by your license.

Choosing a calculation method for the number of software installations enables you to verify that you have not exceeded the number of rights specified in the software license. For example, if an office software license credits you with 1,000 rights and each software installation consumes 10 points, the software installation counter enables you to verify that the software has not been installed more than allowed. In this case, 100 installations X 10 points = 1,000 rights.

To create a software counter, follow these steps:

  1. Click Configuration Management > Administration > Software Counters The Software Counter Information form opens.

  2. Type a name in the Name field for the software counter.
  3. Select the Licenses tab to choose which models should be included in the software counter information.
    • Select All License Models? to count the licenses linked to all software models.
    • Type only the License Models that you want included in the software counter.
  4. Select the Installs tab to specify which installations and parts of those installations you want included in the software counter.
    • Select All Installation Models? to count the licenses linked to the models included in all installations.
    • Type only the Installation Models that you want included in the software license count.
  5. Choose one of the following calculation methods in the Calculation Method field:
    • Each Installation: Count all licenses in each installation.
    • Each Different Machine: Count licenses by each different machine within each installation.
    • Each Different User: Count licenses by each different user within each installation.
  6. Select Count Software Suite Components? to count licenses linked to all components within a software suite.
  7. Select Count Removed or Unknown Installs? to count licenses of those components that have been removed or unknowingly installed.
  8. Select Count Non-Authorized Installs? to count licenses of those components that are included in non-authorized installs.
  9. Click Add.

When you click Add to create the software counter, Configuration Management adds the following items:

  • Results tab, which displays the following fields and buttons:
    No. of RightsThe total number of rights acquired for a particular software license.
    Rights CountedLocates the number of instances of the software that are in use.
    Last ProcessedIndicates the last time a compliance check was performed.
    Compliance Check buttonImmediately runs the compliance check.
    Create Schedule Record buttonStarts the Schedule Software Compliance Check wizard, which sets up the compliance check calendar, when the initial check should be performed, and if a recurring license check should occur.
  • Message Log tab