Using event maps

Each record in the eventmap table describes a single field for an input or output event.

For an input event, Event Services uses information in the eventmap record to map data from an external source that it can import into a ITSMA Service Management table.

For an output event, Event Services uses information in an eventmap record to map data in ITSMA Service Management tables into a sequence of delimited fields that it can export to external applications.


When a ITSMA Service Management user sends e-mail, specific fields in the ITSMA Service Management mail file are populated. These include, user.from, user.array, subject and text. The event map describes the information in these fields in a standard, defined sequence to ensure that the SCAutomate mail application can translate it to external programs. When SCAutomate receives mail from an external program and posts it to an eventin record, the Event Services event map describes how to populate the required fields in the ITSMA Service Management mail file.

For example, the user.from field in the ITSMA Service Management mail record is in the second position. Through mapping instructions, it becomes the second field in the delimited text string written to the eventin record. For output, Event Services puts the contents of the user.from field in the ITSMA Service Management mail record into the second position in the External Information String field of the eventout record and changes the Type field to output.

If you have custom mapping records for e-mail and they are deleted, ITSMA Service Management uses the out-of-box e-mail eventmap record.