Event mapping process

The eventmap table contains event mapping information. There are two types of maps: input maps and output maps. Input maps have information about moving data from the External Information String (evfields) field for the eventin record to the target table. Output maps have information about moving data from the source file to the External Information String field for the eventout record.

The purpose of event mapping is to relate elements in a list to fields in a record. An external event, such as SCAutomate or SCAuto for NetView, passes data in the ITSMA Service Management eventin file to a field called fields. Each element is separated from the others with a delimiter, or separation character. In the following example, the ^ character separates the five fields.

john@hpe^falcon^toby;al;joe^Meeting today^Tue 12 Aug

Internally, Event Services converts this string to a list ($axces.fields).

Meeting today
Tue 12 Augcol

The event processor assumes that fields with a type of date/time are in the time zone of the ITSMA Service Management system (that is, the time zone defined in the System Wide Company Record). If the event background process has an operator record, that time zone for that operator is used. For synchronous processing, the session processing the event handles the date/time in the time zone where it is defined.

Mapping defines the link between the elements in the internal list (evlist) and fields in a ITSMA Service Management file. The first field, john@hpe, is mapped to the user.to field for the mail file.

Standard event maps

Out-of-box event maps describe standard events. Changing the relative position of data in the information exchanged between ITSMA Service Management and the external applications may cause standard events to fail. It is better to create new maps for non-standard events rather than modifying existing maps.